I am a postdoctoral fellow at the Aghaeepour lab since October 2019. Prior to joining the lab, I finished my Ph.D. in computer science at Purdue University under the supervision of Dr. David Gleich. My undergraduate training was at the American University of Beirut, where I finished two Bachelor’s degrees in Mathematics and Computer Science, as well as a diploma in Educational Management and Leadership. During my Ph.D. I focused on network science as a research area, with a special focus on the problem of graph alignment. I mainly designed methods that utilize a low rank structure in graph alignment problems to either speed up network alignment or even make it feasible in more complicated settings. More recently, I became interested in studying higher order structures in graphs specially in biological data, that can often be more complex. Aside from research, I am an enthusiastic Julia user and the author of the graph algorithms package MatrixNetworks.jl.
Network analysis, higher order methods, randomized methods, computational immunology, computational neuroscience.
I enjoy hiking, climbing, biking, yoga, and I recently started trying trapeze.
Contact info
hnassar – at – stanford.edu, and you can find me on Twitter and Github