I did my undergraduate studies in biological chemistry at Tulane University with an honors thesis focused on yeast telomeres. I completed my PhD in cancer biology from the University of Chicago in the Lesniak Lab with a dissertation project focused on cancer immunology. From that point, I became interested in the characterization of immune biology in health and disease using next-generation sequencing and single cell sequencing methods. I pursued these interests at Tempus Labs as a computational immunologist. At the Aghaeepour lab, I am focused primarily on using large biological screening datasets to develop new indices for risk stratification in newborn infants.
deep learning, adversarial networks, systems immunology, the intersection of causal inference and machine learning, Bayesian methods and probabilistic programming
I enjoy baking, podcasts (current favorites: Last Podcast on the Left, Flash Forward, The Cryptonaturalist), hiking, Muay Thai kickboxing, beginner level Brazilian jiu jitsu, and reading (everything from topics in mathematics and probability theory to new fiction releases).