I am a postdoctoral fellow in the Aghaeepour Lab and Prince Lab since October 2021. I did my PhD majoring in bioinformatics at Iowa State University under Dr.Robert L.Jernigan.During my PhD,I worked on different projects, such as understanding biophysical mechanisms in membrane transporters and transmembrane proteins such as e-cadherins, finding the role of non-coding RNAs in milk samples, and determining novel annotations of proteins in non-model organisms. I am originally from India, where I did my undergraduate studies in Bioinformatics at Vellore Institute of Technology. I am very enthusiastic about initiatives that encourage STEM awareness amongst youth researchers, high school students, underrepresented groups, and girl students worldwide. You can find more details at personal website www.sayaneshome.com.
Research interests
My research project during postdoctoral training involves machine learning analysis of datasets related to bronchopulmonary dysplasia.
I love learning and trying new things(The recent new thing I tried is painting using palette knives and baking vegan-paleo three-tier cakes). I am excited to volunteer for initiatives that can help people in need; otherwise, you will find me traveling, baking/cooking, playing piano, reading, and painting.